+1 5589 55488 55

Gyanec Range

We have also SPECIALIZED WOMEN Caring range which strengthen the inner state and offer Happiness through BEST Healthcare to God’s Beautiful Creation.


Provides ashoka 2000 mg, Lodhra 1000 mg & Shatavari 1000 mg : Powerful Phytoestrogens, Works synergistically. Acts on HPO axis and stimulates endometrial-ovarian tissues. Facilitates hormone utilization. Enhances the repair of inflamed endometrium. Provide comprehensive care.

Normalizes the uterus and ovaries Normalises the hormonal imbalance Develop the feeling of wellbeing. The only brand that offers Haridra, (Curcuma longa) a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Offers the benefits of Maximum concentration of Aloe Vera and ashwagandha, Product highlights
  • Restores emotional balance by relieving anxiety and tension
  • Useful in treating abnormal menstrual bleeding
  • It may help in improving the chances of pregnancy